Lesley Dolphin (@lesleydolphin) asked me to come on her afternoon Radio Suffolk programme to chat about the RHS Virtual Chelsea material that is on the Society’s website and also the TV broadcasts on BBC during what should be Chelsea Week 2020.
Well you have to get in the mood don’t you… so I donned my hat and floral jacket and took a selfie to show that I was enjoying my own ‘virtual’ Chelsea moment.

While the online material doesn’t make up for the thrill and atmosphere of being at Chelsea on Press Day, there were some interesting videos given by nurserymen and women, including Rosy Hardy of Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants and Raymond Evison of raymondevisonclematis.com. Rosy mentioned one of my garden stalwarts Silene fimbriata, which is giving me a real show just at the moment.
The Green Switch garden Mr Kazuyuki Ishihara
Today I will be taking a look at the amazing garden in Japan of Mr Kazuyuki Ishihara. He is a regular gold medal winner in the Artisan Garden category. Mr Ishihara’s garden, Green Switch, showed what a garden can be when we switch off the stresses of urban life and enjoy time in nature. Although I am not sure about the ‘in the garden’ shower room!
And later today I will be hanging on every word of Mark MacDonald of Todd’s Botanics down the road from me in Coggeshall, Essex, as he describes how to look after bearded irises… in my garden they are making their own Chelsea display.
I am also going to be nosy and peek over the garden fence to see the home gardens of designers and broadcasters James Alexander-Sinclair (@JamesA-Sinclair) and Adam Frost (@frostatwork).
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