A Handful of Herbs, Barbara Segall, Louise Pickford and Rose Hammick
With Louise Pickford and Rose Hammick
Ryland Peters & Small
A handful of herbs is such a good title for this book that I co- or rather tri-authored with two other writers and herb enthusiasts. It is odd that we collaborated on this book, yet we have not met. We seem nonetheless to have a similar love of herbs in the garden, house and kitchen. My favourite herbs in the kitchen are basil, chervil, parsley, coriander, thyme, mint and salad burnet and… oh help I can’t choose… I love the flavours that herbs bring to food and used them in salads as well as in cooked dishes.
Many such as mint and chervil will do well in shade, while basil does well in full sun. I grow basil in the greenhouse in some quantity. Every year I make pesto sauce from its wonderfully aromatic leaves, combined with olive oil, pine nuts and garlic. I am still using basil… the variety called ‘African Blue’. It is growing well in my garden room which is very light and warm.
Summer in the garden wouldn’t be the same without lavender and sage. Both have aromatic foliage and flowers that attract bees… so they are a must in my garden.
My section of A handful of herbs is about growing herbs and the part of the garden I most enjoy is a raised bed where I grow unusual and ordinary herbs. Lovage and chive shoots are just showing and currently thyme and winter savory are looking good. Nothing nicer than picking fresh herbs, especially on a grey day in February.
A great reference book on herbs, with beautiful photography, growing tips, and recipes. This was originally purchased for a gift. I loved it so much, I ordered another for myself.’
Natalie Batovsky (review on Amazon.com)
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